Wednesday, August 6, 2008

2008 Cancer Survivor Celebration - Aurora BayCare Medical Center

The 2008 Cancer Survivor Celebration sponsored by Aurora BayCare Medical Center in Green Bay was held on Tuesday, August 5th. Mona and I have been attending these for a few years now and are amazed how the event seems to be growing every year. We were told that there were approximately 1,400 people in attendance. I would guess about half of the attendees were actual cancer survivors.

When we arrived at about 4:30 we were just in time for Music and Dinner. The menu included BBQ Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, relish trays, chips, fruit and water or lemonade. I think we picked the slowest food line because it took forever.

Once we were done eating they gave away 20 (mostly handmade) quilts that appeared to be donated to the event by local quilters.

Three of Mona's doctors came front and center on the stage to give presentations. (It's nice to associate with your doctors when you're not getting prodded and poked.)

The next item on the agenda was the symbolic release of a good size flock of white doves. They are trained to circle the area three times before they head back to their home in DePere. I can't describe the feeling I get when I watch the birds enjoy there short-lived glimpse of freedom.

I would guess the photo above is one of the main reasons that Mona likes to attend these celebrations. It's a chance to show that she is a member of a group of people who had an opportunity to cheat death at least one time.

Click on the photo to enlarge it. Mona is the one in the center of the sign in the front row with her left arm raised. (Note: This is only a portion of the people that were in the photo. Since I was unable to get on the scaffold I couldn't get everyone in the photo.)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Flyin' Over Shawano Lake

This guy flys over Shawano Lake every once in a while with his small aircraft. We were told by Doug Joas at the 2007 Durben Reunion that this guy is related to us although I forgot who the individual is. If anyone out there knows who he is - Let us know. Note the little guy following him up there. This photo was taken on 7.31.08 when I was letting Brew outside one more time before I left for work. As most of the photos here - you can click on them to make them larger.