Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Weekend Ride

Last Saturday Mona and I decided to go for a ride since the weather was supposed to be up around the 50's and we both got Spring Fever. We went to Calument County where we went to High Cliff Park, Calument County Park,  Stockbridge (where the Post Office had already closed for the day), Quiney, Kloten, Chilton, Marytown, Pipe and more.
Above is a photo of Mona walking through the Cemetery at the Church in Marytown, WI. Note all of the windmills in the background. They are all new since the last time I was out there a few years ago.
Pictured are more of the windmills in the area. The high voltage wires run right through the area.
After checking out the Boat Launch at the County Park I saw this deer in the woods near the edge of the road. Mona saw a second deer nearby that I didn't see right away but I really didn't have time to sit there and look since this one was getting ready to walk away from the camera.