Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Last post for 2009...

It's a few minutes before we pass into the second decade of this century. Mona and I went out tonight to celebrate the new year. We started out with "Double Bubble" at the Washington Inn in Cecil at about quarter to five. Dinner reservations were for 6:30 (I have to add the food was great!) and we were probably home by 9:00 o'clock or so.

I just woke up on the couch with the TV still playing and I see Mona must have gone to bed. I just figured I'd say: "Happy New Year!" (Darn... missed Dick Clark again!)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Brew says: Merry Christmas

Brewster (the 65 pound lap dog) says MERRY CHRISTMAS everybody.

He's pictured here helping Mona decorate the Christmas Tree this year.

Brew doesn't help much, but he likes to supervise.

Mona Gets into the Christmas Spirit

Right around Thanksgiving or so Mona started getting into the Christmas Spirit slow but sure. Here she is finishing up with some of the ornaments on the tree this year. All that's needed to complete the job is the tinsel yet.

Note the Stockings hanging on the fireplace. They're still empty. St. Nick must have passed us by this year.

What's up with that?

Monday, December 21, 2009

WOW! What a change in the Seasons...

What a change in Seasons. The last posting was from Route Lake in September (Labor Day Week) when we had 70 Degree weather in the far North.

What a difference. Although it may not look so bad in this photo we just got 13 inches of snow dumped in our driveway. Mona used the snowblower to open up a few areas as John used the ATV.

The ATV seems to be running better since we took it to Gillet to have it tuned up. We always wanted to hit the ATV trails and head up north toward Suring or Townsend but never got around to it. Seems like there's too many things going on.

I heard there's anywhere from 6-8 inches of Ice on Shawano Lake - at least on our end and we've been seeing good numbers of fishermen on the Lake as well as a few 4-wheelers. It won't be long and the Fire N Ice racers will be running again.