Sunday, May 6, 2012

Time Keeps Flyin' By...

Been retired for over 9 weeks already. Time really flies. Sure doesn't seem that long.
I haven't got a whole lot done yet either.  Made over a dozen bird houses. (Tracy painted half of them.) Made a dozen pens or so and did some finishing work in the garage that's been waiting to get done for 7 years already.

Only got out fishing once so far since last October and that was about 5 weeks ago. Caught enough White Bass for quite a few meals. They taste good deep fried in "Panko" or "Beer Batter". We've had them both ways so far.
White Bass caught at Winneconne early this Spring with a
friend who said he was going to take me out for Walleye
for almost 20 years. Had a great time.
I still have to clean up the boat and get it ready for the water as well as change the line on a number of rods and reels before we go up to the Chippewa Flowage in about three weeks. Hope to get it in Shawano Lake this week to make sure I can get it started first. Maybe catch a few panfish at the same time?

Some of our tomato plants we started in the green house are getting to be almost a foot tall already. We can't get the garden worked up either because of the frost every night for a period there and now we've had rain for about a week. Last year it was the 4th of July before we finished the garden because it was so wet.  We have 5 different kinds of tomatoes and at least that in different types of hot peppers. Our hot little purple pepper plant made it through another winter. We've had it for about 12 years so far and we've had peppers every year. We started a second plant about a year ago to back this one up in case something happens to it.