Saturday, December 14, 2013

Sunday, November 24, 2013

We’re Still Here!!!

Not much going on but I figured I better post something once before they delete this space.

Thanksgiving and the rest of the Holidays are approaching really fast now. We’ll try to get a little more regular on here.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

2013 Durben Family Reunion

Hoping for good weather and a good turn out.


Monday, June 17, 2013

4th Annual Neverman Reunion Photo’s (#1)

The 4th Annual Neverman Reunion was held on May 16 – 19, 2013 at Mona’s brother Walt’s house south of Madison. The attendance was not as good as in past years however everyone had fun and plenty to eat and drink. The weather turned out good  which  made it better yet.

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4th Annual Neverman Reunion Photo’s (#2)

Additional photos from the Reunion

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‘till next year!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Bad Day Today on Shawano Lake - Bad Ice

I shot this today on the North side of Shawano Lake by the County Park. This guy thought he was going to take a short cut over the pressure crack and found out that wasn't going to happen. It's ironic the music on the radio playing in the beginning as I started filming. "Oh Happy Days" I'll bet he was happy after he got it pulled out and he drove off the Lake. He was checking for damage underneath as we left.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

John & Mona's Year in Photographs 2012

Some of the photos we took last year.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Welcome 2013


Well, the Holidays have come and gone. Christmas is a week behind us and Mona and I enjoyed the Holiday with various members of our families.

We brought in the New Year Monday night by going out for a few drinks and Dinner within a couple miles of the house so we didn’t go way out this year. We were home prior to 8:00 and watched TV together until Mona decided to go to bed since she has come down with a dandy cold.

Ironically, and purely by accident when I decided to go to bed and walked into the bedroom the chime on the clock in the dining room started to announce the arrival of  the New Year. Naturally I had to wake Mona up and wish her a New Year.

Here is wishing You and your Family a very Happy and Prosperous New year!

(Click on photo of our Tree this year to enlarge)