Monday, October 6, 2008

Dave's Falls - Photo #2

On Saturday, October 4th we took a ride up to the Abrams, Wausaukee, and Amberg area. We stopped in at Dave's Falls after checking out were Mona's parents used to have a cottage in the Abrams area. We also ran into an old car show there which was interesting. Ate at Hoover's in Crivitz. (An old friend I haven't seen for about 20-25 years however he wasn't in. I heard that happens a lot.)

Photos below are taken at Dave's Falls. As usual, you can click on them to enlarge them.

Dave's Falls

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

John - Great photos. I love waterfalls and I don't remember hearing of Dave's Falls. Looks like something my sisters and I certainly have to check out sometine.