Sunday, June 7, 2009

Our Blue Huron Visitor

One of the highlights for John this year was the day we had a visit from a Blue Huron. The visit was mentioned in an earlier post but as I got a little bit of time I was able to go through the nearly 600 photos we took and sort a few out. (There will be more posts coming.)

This is a sequence of some of the photos I took as they occurred. (You can click on any photo to enlarge it.)

The first photo is when our visitor enters the picture. The red boat on the right belongs to the Resort owner Terry, and the grey one is ours. I've been taking pictures of this guy for some time starting in the front window by the dining room and following him along the shoreline. These photos are taken from the bedroom window facing the lake. The day before this the water behind the boat motor was filled with small bluegills. I assume this guy knew that.

He's reaching out his foot here to climb in to our boat. Probably to get a better look at his prey just over the back of the boat.

Once inside the boat he starts to look around and make himself at home. My thoughts at this time are I sure hope these photos turn out and I hope he doesn't decide to take a dump. I've seen them do it while in flight and it's not a pretty site. It almost looks like one of those dive bombers you see on TV.

He must not have found anything of interest so he decides to exit the scene. Notice in the last photo that he's standing on my trolling motor. From here he jumped out of the boat along the shore and stared into the water. There must have be a twig that he liked so he picked it up in his mouth and flew away with it. Perhaps to replace a twig from it's nest and perhaps he wasn't a he?

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