Friday, June 11, 2010

Our Cabin at Chippewa Pines Resort

This is the side of the cabin that faces the Flowage. Cottages 5 & 6. We've been trying to rent number 6 for the last 5 or six years now.
Inside Cabin 6. Two bedrooms and enough room for us and our stuff. Real nice and cozy.
Saturday morning Mona puts the last couple of small items in the van before we check the cabin to make sure we didn't forget something. (Still can't find the battery charger for the camera so we hope we didn't leave it there somewhere.)
Last view is from the van in the previous photo looking towards the cabin and the Flowage. We had a lot of fun again this year.

(Click on photos to enlarge - You may also scroll left and right to see the entire photo)

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