Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Whole Bunch of Pictures from the 2nd Neverman Family Reunion (2011)

As promised here are a few more photos from the big event. If anyone else has some they’d like posted – get them to us so we can do so. Of course you will get credit for your efforts. The photos may look pretty small so click on them to make them bigger…




Some of the people were taken up with the Monopoly Card game. Actually playing until 11:30 P.M. and starting again in the early A.M. hours.  Looks like there may be a new tradition? (Heard there’s been a few card games purchased since then.)

Saturday evening we started going through some of the slides from Hawaii back when Mona and Walter were young. The fourth photo up on the left are Harvey and Bernice; too bad the slide show had to end early after the projector malfunctioned, it would have been great to see all of the photos because all the rest of us that weren’t on that trip in (69?) will perhaps never be able to see them now.

Although we were still only going together – I remember sending Mona off with her parents at the Airport in Manitowoc.

The next reunion date has been set for next year.

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