Saturday, June 16, 2012

Durben Reunion 2012

The Paul and Leonora Durben Family Reunion is scheduled for Sunday, July 15, 2012 at Valders Community Center located at 420 N. Liberty St., Valders, WI.
1996 Durben Reunion Group Photo
1996 Durben Family Reunion Group Photo taken at Wa-Mor Park, Wayside
The event this year will be hosted by the John M. Durben Family beginning at Noon until ?
John and Mona will supply Sloppy Joes, buns, trimmings, and coffee. Bring your own beverages, plates, silverware, and dish to pass please. Also bring your cameras.

We had recently been advised that a young arsonist set fire to the pavilion. We were told that damage was sustained in the men’s rest room but portable facilities have been brought in. There is also some minor construction going on in the area so there may be some detours posted.

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