Sunday, July 15, 2007

2007 Paul & Nora Durben Family Reunion

The 2007 Paul and Nora Durben Family Reunion was held at the Memorial Park in Valders, Wisconsin on Saturday, July 14th.

The John & Dorothy Durben Family was in charge of hosting and setup of the event this year.

Attendance was quite small with only about 20 relatives in total taking time out to participate in the event.

There was a large assortment of food at the "bring a dish to pass" smorgasbord and no one should have an excuse for leaving hungry.

People started to arrive just past 11:00 am and it started to break-up by 3:00. Poor Courtney Wallenfang arrived just after the last guest had left and we were in the process of cleaning up the shelter. She had to work and made the long trip from Green Bay for nothing. Sorry Courtney.

Pictured above: (front row from left) Our daughter: Tracy Hucek, Granddaughter Miranda Hucek, Mona, Dorothy "Mom" Durben, (back row from left) Son-in-law Corey Hucek, Me, Brother Eugene Durben.

Thanks to all who attended - we had a great time!

Note: This professional looking photo was taken by Cindi Maas.

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