Saturday, July 21, 2007

Secchi Testing

Mona and I volunteer to do Secchi Testing on both Washington Lake and Shawano Lake for the WDNR. These photos are from July 15th after we had gone to the Shawano Lake Boat Sinking Contest (below) and then The Sandbar where I got to have my Chili!!!

On the left I raise the Secchi disk out of the water after trying to determine the water clarity on Washington Lake. After I've got the reading of how far down we can see the disk I relay the information to Mona (right) so that she can record the information that will eventually end up on the WDNR Website for those Lakes. We also take note as to if the water level is high, low or normal, if the water is stained, if we see any wildlife, boater activity and water temperature.

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