Saturday, January 12, 2008

2008 Mooseyard Winterfest

2008 Mooseyard Winterfest

The Mooseyard is about a couple mile stretch on the north side of Shawano Lake. As far as I know it's been going on for a number of years and involved most of the bars in that stretch on that side of the lake.

On Saturday, January 5th, was the 2008 Winterfest. John wanted to enter the chili contest being held at the Coachlight Bar & Grill so we got there at the required time to get entered and found we had about an hour to kill before the judging of the Chili.

We decided to go over to Captain Royals for a drink and almost got talked into get involved in the Butt Bowling contest before we found out what it was. They take 10 quarters and shove them up your butt and you have to walk backwards for about 12-15 feet and bend over and drop the quarters into a metal bucket. Your chances are set up in 3 frames like the frames in bowling. The best score would be 30. I can see that after a few drinks this game could get a little wild. There were two people tied at 30 when we left so I assume they had to have a bowl-off.

We went back to the Coachlight to find the results of the Chili contest. It looked like there were 11 entries in the contest with the top 4 Chili's placing. John didn't place in the top money but it was his first experience and now he knows alittle of what to expect for next time. We tried the top two award winners for $2.00 a bowl. The proceeds from selling the Chili went to fund the EMT Unit in the area. (A very worthy cause.)

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