Saturday, January 19, 2008

I'm Dreaming of a Silver Christmas...

Sung to the tune of Bing Crosby's (White Christmas!)

This Aluminum Christmas Tree brings back many memories. It belonged to my Grandparents on my Mother's side. They bought it when she (my Grandmother) worked at the Aluminum Factory in Chilton years ago. We've got pictures of my siblings and I along with cousins sitting in the living room next to the tree close to 50 years ago.

The stable in front of the tree was made by my Grandfather (as per my Mother) about 75 years ago. She remembers it being around when she was a little girl. I gave it some paint and a new roof 25-30 years ago. While I was working on it I saw that the wood on the inside of the stable came from an old wooden orange crate.

We don't put the tree up every year, but we've been putting the stable up as long as we've had it and that's about 35 years or so. There are a lot of memories under that tree each time we put it up.

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