Monday, January 19, 2009

John Clearing Snow with the 4-Wheeler

Although Mona had a quick trigger finger on the camera, this is John in the process of doing some of the finishing touches with the snow removal in the driveway with the 4-wheeler yesterday. (If we don't get a chance to try doing it again this year, neither one of us are going to complain about it.)

For the first couple of snow storms this year we couldn't get the 4-wheeler started until John charged the battery and changed the plugs. About three snowfalls later we broke the cable on the winch that raises and lowers the blade on the front. Naturally when you finally get time on the weekend to fix it, that's when the temperatures decide to plunge.

Footnote: The videos on this site so far have been taken with a fairly inexpensive Pentax digital camera that also has movie taking capabilities. The camera fits in my shirt pocket and is easy to operate. Hopefully the quality will improve with a little practice.

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