Saturday, February 2, 2008

Poodle Hog Day February 2, 2008

Today was "Poodle Hog Day" in Cecil, WI. (Not to be confused with "Ground Hogs Day" This long-time tradition which began early this morning on a whim for the first time at about 9:30 will determine how long we will have to continue to endure this cold and snowy winter.

Obviously the Poodle Hog did not burrow his way out of a hole in the frozen ground but we're not that scientific in Wisconsin. Actually he had to be coaxed and bribed out of the warm house with treats in order for us to complete this experiment.

If you click on the photo above to enlarge it, you will see that "Brew" the "Poodle Hog" (French that is.) was unable to detect a shadow since we are currently in the middle of a mild snow storm. (Some more partly cloudy that we'll have to shovel.)

By preparing for and by taking the time and effort to perform this experiment we have determined that winter should be ending soon in Cecil. (And no... Mona was not blocking the sunlight!)

Please Note: For those who are doubters, the actual photo has been filed in a private vault so that anyone can see that it has not been altered.

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